Tuesday, July 26, 2011

July 26, 2011

Today I rode my bike 27 miles, or pretty close to that.  I would have gone 32, but my back was killing, I had no feeling in my left hand, and it took several hours after to fully get feeling back in two of my fingers! and my right hamstring was tight.  I did the ride in just under 2 hours and had 3 stops to stretch and adjust the seat level of my bike.  Anyway I called Chad and had him come get me because I am pretty sure I would have been one sore person having to do the uphill most of the last 4 miles home!  Not too sore right now, but we will see how I feel in the morning!

July 25, 2011

I ran 2.5 miles today.  Actually I did more walking than running because my hamstring on the left side was killing me and I did not want an injury.  So I ran some and walked a lot more and tried to stretch as much as possible, as well as drinking water.  That is a new must for me is to drink a whole lot more water!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wednesday 20, 2011

Today I ran/jogged a mile...I know a measly mile, but it was all I could get in before Heidi and Mason were done and ready to go.  I also swam leisurly for an hour in the afternoon, and that was nice even if it was a small workout.  I still feel really stiff running, and I hope that that goes away soon.  Weighed myself today and the scale jumped from 282 to 292....Someday hopefully it will just start going down.
 I had a small bowl of oatmeal and yogert for breakfast a 20 oz americano a wrap with turkey bacon spinach cheese and chive cream cheese and for dinner I had a plate of stir fry and rice.  Drank more than 4 20oz cups of water today.

Tuesday July 19, 2011

Today I did not do anything....I was going to do my 30 mile bike ride, but other items and life got in the way, which is why I guess it is better to do them in the morning!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Monday July 18, 2011

This morning I ran 1 mile and walked 1 mile and then did a cool down lap.  In the evening I swam over to Wagon Train and back, which hopefully by the end of this summer I will know how far that is.  The wind was high and gusty and was causing white caps on the lake which made for difficult swimming. 
Felt pretty good afterward, wish I could have swam more but Chad had to go somewhere so I cut it short. 

Sunday July 17, 2011

Today I amd starting to train for the Homer Triathlon called the Ironman....not even close to the distance of an Ironman, but the name sounds cool anyway:)  So I ran 3 miles, with both the running and the jogging.  I just went the 1/4 mile to the shop and back and did that 6 times to make 3 miles. By the end of this run I was hurting pretty bad in my hip because I had been running on uneven ground the whole time and my hip muscles could not take that very well!